ADCP Moorings
ADCP Sand Mooring

The ADCP-SM Mk1 is used for environmental research applications within the context of broader oceanographic programs. It has been designed specifically to support an acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) used to simultaneously, measure current velocity and direction at various predetermined depths. Additional subsurface monitoring instrumentation is easily attached to the frame system if required The main frame of the mooring is manufactured from high grade 316 stainless steel for long term deployments in harsh corrosive environments. The sand mooring offers minimal resistance to underwater surge, whilst providing maximum stability and support to the instrumentation. Two weighted tubes (which rest on the sand bottom) provide ballast to the mooring, in addition, each tube is attached to a web system of galvanised chains and anchors that provides further stability to the frame.
In the event that sand movement covers the base of the frame, stainless steel tower extensions are provided to raise the instruments and are easily bolted onto the frame whilst the system is in situ.
ADCP Trawl Mooring

ADCP Deepwater Mooring

The ADCP-Deepwater mooring was designed to be deployed at depth where divers are unable to service mooring, as with the sand mooring. Similar to the sand mooring it has been designed specifically to support an acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) used to simultaneously, measure current velocity and direction at various predetermined depths.
The Deepwater mooring is manufactured from high grade 316 grade stainless steel and consist of 2 lengths of bars connected in a cross shape, where four floats are attached for stability of the mooring and enough flotation (17kg upward buoyancy per float) to enable the mooring to surface upon recovery. At the center of the cross piece is a plate/disc that is used to attach the ADCP. The mooring is attached to one or two acoustic releases, which in turn is attached to a weight.
Variations on the design of the ADCP Deepwater mooring to enable different instrument configurations and increased depths of deployment.

- Mike Roberts, Marine and Coastal Management, Cape Town
- Tel: +027 021-402 3318 Cell: 082-4964190
- e-mail: Mike Roberts
- Rick Harding, Marine and Coastal Management, Cape Town
- Tel: +027 021-402 3311 Cell: 0721941027
- e-mail: Rick Harding